Om oss
Chess Teacher
Vladimir Poley

E-mail: [email protected]

Engelska Skolan Norr, Stockholm: Chess Teacher 2002-2010
Chess training and teaching children 0-9 grades
Team leading and coaching

Belarus Chess Federation, Minsk: President, elected for three terms 1996-2001
Management and leadership in the Federation
Organizing of the national and international chess tournaments for the organization of the European Women Chess Championship in 2001 was awarded with silver medal of the European Chess Union (ECU)
Chess Forum, Ltd., Minsk: Founder, Owner and Director 1993-1998
Running own company: production, sales, marketing, including international contracts with Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Latvia. The product was soft toys and puppets and also chess materials
Chess School and the State Palace of Chess, Minsk: Director 1994
Management of the key areas in the organization: registration, staff, budget, resources, strategy etc. and leadership
Children and Youth Sport School, Minsk: Chess Teacher, Chess Trainer 1988-1994

Higher School of Trainers, Moscow 1989

The Belarus State Institute (Academy) of the Physical Culture (Sport), Minsk 1982-1988
Honours Degree
Specialization Physical Culture and Sport, Chess Trainer, Chess Teacher
Sergeant Military School 1983-1984

Russian, Belarussian, English, Polish and Swedish

The title of International Chess Master
Strong analytical and strategical thinking
Rich experience in leadership and management in chess movement
Extensive travel experience
Parallel to business and work in the sport organizations made a career of a professional chess player, participating in International chess tournaments all over East and West Europe, Great Britain and USA
Founder and Chair of the Chess club SS 4Springare

Vladimir Poley - My professional steps

1 Professional life from both organizational and pedagogic sides
2 In Belarus went from a chess teacher-trainer to a president of the Federation
3 In Sweden during 8 years was very active and achieved recognized success:
a)SS 4Springare that is big, active, strong, focus on chess and social activities for children, organizing international chess trips, chess camps and different chess tournaments. Second biggest club in Stockholm after Rockaden.
b)Raised from beginners to Swedish champions Jakob Aperia(94),Ljuba Dvinskikh (94) Adytia Gupta(94), Anton Nizov (93), Egor Norlin (97),Cameron Bergstedt(00), Jan Emrik Lennartsson(00), Polina Legkij (00), Katarina Ruth(00) and lots and lots of top placed players in other official chess tournaments for juniors. Coming up chess stars Milton Pantzar (01) and Baldur Teodor Petersson(01)
c)At present time I am giving chess education at 6 schools in Stockholm region creating strong chess interest for about 300 kids (each year) and building base for future champions as well as working as chess teacher at Engelska Skolan Norr.
d)Started and run for few years new project together with Stockholm Chess Federation “Folkschackuniversitetet” giving chess education and pedagogical tips with experience for new ungdomsledare . Special chess performances and public lectures in Hässelby , Sollentuna and Täby chess clubs.
e)Wrote and published a book “Schack för Nybörjare-en intensivkurs” with recommendations for teachers and parents after every lesson, all illustrations in book were done by my chess students. Wrote some articles in Schacks Nytt.
f)Work a lot on the project Chess in Schools, personally presenting huge files with materials about chess in school to Skolbårgaråd Lotta Edholm, Education ministers Lars Lejonborg and Jan Björklund. Did presentation about world experience of chess in schools and chess as universal educational tool in Swedish Riksdag .
4. Thus, I have capacity, knowledge and great enthusiasm to stimulate chess life in Sweden – Join our Champions school at chess club SS 4 Springare , Let`s play chess and you will see effective work and results…

IM Vladimir Poley

IM Vladimir Poley, my short biography

I was born 26.09. 1965 in Gomel, the second biggest city in Belarus (USSR),
Started to play chess at the age of 10 (rather late compare to 21st Century) and after just 2 years I was good enough to represent my Gomel region junior team on all levels and qualified 2nd adult category in chess.
1979 I won my first Belarussion junior champion title and did norm of the candidate master. This was the start of my professional chess carrier. I said bye-bye to music school orchestra, other sports and focused only on chess. In 1982 I moved to capital of Belarus, Minsk and after very hard tests I entered Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, specialty CHESS, and became a student with the aim to be chess teacher and coach. This was my golden chess years. Best Belurussian chess trainers like Michail Shereshevskiy and Albert Kapengut started theirs masters and grandmasters chess conveyers. WGM Elena Zajats, GMs Andrej Kovalev, Boris Gelfand, Ilya Smirin, Yuri Shulman are big names in chess now. I stopped on IM level and started business on the last waves of Gorbachevs “Perestroika”, one more student from our chess group Andrey Philatov - in top 100 richest men in Rossia now.
But periodically I was back to active chess playing. 1992 was biggest victory year in my chess life, I won Budapest Spring Festival with 7,5 out of 9 ahead of 368 participants,18 GMs and 64 IMs.
1993- Chess Forum LTD started, I am the owner of toy producing factory, wild capitalism in ex-USSR on forward marsh .1993- Sollentuna Allsvenskan team ,table 1 player, 1994 –Österskar, Sweden, super-final blixt match against many times World champion Anatoliy Karpov 0,5-1,5 I lost, but… my first Volvo 480 SE car-bought.1995 –Award of IM chess title. 1996 -1998 –2000 - elected as President of Belarus Chess Federation, 2001-2002- chess, chess, chess, tournaments all over. 2002- moved into Sweden, chess teacher at Engelska Skolan Norr. 2003-2008 – Stockholm’s chess champion.
2008-Stockholms City youth leader stipendium. 2009- best chess school in Sweden.
We are the Champions.